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Abstract Lavender Breeze

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Artwork Description:

Title: Abstract Lavender Breeze

Abstract Floral print – Lavender Breeze

A solitary bee engaged in it’s own struggle to succeed against the odds 🐝

Using loose and fluid strokes and focusing on colours rather than detail, petals appear as flowing shapes, capturing the essence of nature’s floral beauty.

The original watercolour is part of my ‘Bee-Friendly’ collection, produced to raise awareness of our pollinators’ importance and plight.

Artist Bio:
I am very pleased to introduce you to my art.

I create beautiful, unique, floral watercolour paintings along with pet portraits that capture the character of your beloved pet in a Splash Art style.

Continue to explore Maart Art for unique gifts and decor ideas.

My style is splashy, expressive and fun to do.