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Day 531 (15th June 2024) Port Allen, River Tay.

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Artwork Description:

Title: Day 531 (15th June 2024) Port Allen, River Tay.

Day 531 (15th June 2024) Port Allen, River Tay.

At the SOLAS festival – went for an evening walk down to the River Tay – along by the Carse of Gowrie.

I wrote a poem that goes with it:

Day 567 (15th June 2024) – Walk around Errol, Daleally & Port Allen
Journey through a labyrinth of colour tidal with change.
Timeless and still encouraging quiet honesty.
Rainbow palettes mirroring intricate beauty.
Slowly changing.
Swaying and swooshing barley, singing and soothing.
Slugs gliding and munching happy and contented.
Yellowhammers asking for no cheese on information laden telephone wires.
Scots Pine – straight and true in regimental lines.
Sycamore symmetrical patterns, eyes listening.
Shooting rays of sunshine blasting through the light evening clouds.
Huge poppies jumping for joy, beacons lighting up the hedgerow.
Blackbirds singing out their melodies and chorused by Wrens darting about energetic.
Populous populating archways of green and grey.
Bird vetch smuggling colour into green corridors next to grey.
Hedgerow grasses competing for symmetrical dominance.
Cow Parsley not impersonating Hemlock, the grandfather of the hedgerow.
Three quarter road back to Errol.
Change of heart, relaxed and calm.
Heart sorted.

Nature Journal entry.

Painted in watercolour in a Moleskin watercolour notebook.

Actual size 8″ x 5″ (20.5 cm x 13 cm).

Artist Bio:
I am passionate about nature – I have been my entire life, from walking in the Lake District as a teenager to setting up a social enterprise (Instinctively Wild CIC) specialising in Forest Schools and Eco-therapy in the Scottish Borders and Lothians.

I am a nature journalist, I chronicle nature around me on a daily basis in the watercolour medium. I use my photgraphic skills to capture images and then paint the best of those images in watercolour.

I am an educator, artist and social entrepreneur.

My background over the last twenty four years has been primary school teaching, specialising in Forest Schools and Outdoor Learning.

Every day I make space for nature, trying to capture it in all its moods, whether that’s the sky, birds, plants, insects, trees or any other aspect of nature.

As John Muir said, “In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks.” This is what I strive for each day.

I am a self-taught artist.