Artists Bio:
I have always loved Art. I drew as a child and sat for hours reading Art books and sketching my favourite characters from my favourite Disney movies. I drew and drew at school even if it was just doodling in the back of my school book and still regret not taking A-level Art, something I would have loved and excelled at.
I went on to train as a primary school teacher and after only a year I suddenly became extremely poorly. It began with a severe flu-like virus which then never really shifted. I felt continually fatigued like I had run a marathon and couldn’t even take a shower without it putting me in bed for a week. 6 months later I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (M.E). The symptoms were so debilitating and it completely consumed me taking away my teaching career, social life and confidence. I spent 8 years unable to work but on my good days, I began experimenting with watercolour painting. I read book after book and taught myself the basics, improving day by day. I loved it! The way the colours flowed into one another and produced such amazing happy accidents.
I went on to have two children and the time for painting once again diminished. Later my marriage broke down I moved in with family and spent the next year just surviving. Both my boys are now diagnosed with Autism which now explains why those years were so so hard.
Eventually, my improving health led me towards a new house and a job as a Teaching Assistant, something I felt I could manage a lot better than teaching with this frustrating condition. I picked up my paints again and became immersed in painting commissions for family and friends. I was so self-critical though and just didn’t believe in myself so would paint like a hermit crab. I was scared of advertising my Art for fear of being ridiculed. I still had zero confidence.
The next couple of years were difficult, to say the least. An abusive partner plus my son contracting a rare spinal infection triggered an M.E relapse and so a complete career rethink was on the cards. And breathe……
So during this time… I thought….if I’m going to do this…then now is the time. I’ve had a dream forever to be a full-time artist and I now want to follow this dream. A dream I thought was too far out of reach and that I wouldn’t ever be good enough. Not any more, I’ve decided this is going to be the silver lining of all of this!! I really hope you like my Art