Celebrating Summer
Marion Westcountry Creations

Artists Bio:

I chose my business name ‘Westcountry Creations’ because my original home was Somerset & I skipped the border to the lovely Purbeck area of Dorset a few years ago when I met my partner. This was when I re-kindled my love of creating after a break of 15 years, during which I was a massage therapist and local free newspaper reporter. Along with a love of gardening, getting back to art helped me cope with some serious health issues.

I always loved to draw as a child and make models so when my previously good science and English grades at school took a dive after being struck with glandular fever, my panic of “what next”? sent me to college for an art foundation course where I became torn between graphics and ceramics. At the time (early 80s) graphic design seemed all about advertising, not illustration and I feared my style wasn’t neat enough. I loved sculpting, so I opted for ceramics at degree level whilst retaining my love of drawing with fine pens and pastels.

Returning to art , post 50, was quite daunting, the world had moved on with websites and social media. To break the fear of the white page, I challenged myself to a series of acrylic canvases, painting local scenes with only a 12mm flat brush to stop myself getting too hooked on detail…it worked and after selling my first one of the series, I didn’t look back. Finding new confidence to put myself out there by joining Purbeck Art Weeks and Dorset Arts and Crafts Association. Recently I have been developing my acrylic paintings and experimenting more with print making.

My working signature is ‘Mars’ my college nickname.