Artists Bio:
Hi, I’m Jess aka the Navy Sloth. I’m a part time artist and full time mum of two beautiful little girls. I paint as often as my limited spare time allows and love every second of it. I’m based in Cardiff, and paint in my little studio within our home. It’s my little corner where I can switch off for a few hours and just be my creative self (it’s meant to be a toy free zone but somehow they have crept in slowly – you know how it is!)
I have a degree in illustration which I gained over 20 years ago, however my love of abstract painting developed a few years after graduating. There are several artists I was introduced to at university whose work and style inspired me. Gerhard Richter, Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Joan Mitchell, Monet and Christo are to name but a few. Their work transformed my opinion of modern art allowing me to fully appreciate colour and form, and I’ve been painting ever since. My style has changed so much over the years. Always evolving, exploring, expanding and most importantly exciting, having fun in the process.
I’ve always loved wildflowers, and since January 2024 have been developing my own signature style, creating semi abstract wildflower paintings on canvas, combining my illustrative skills with a bold abstract style. My work is vibrant, fun and full of texture, perfect to add a splash of colour to any wall!
I also have a degree in environmental management and a masters in environmental design of buildings. Both of which have taught me about sustainable living and to embrace ways to reduce my carbon footprint. I believe one way we could reduce our carbon footprint is to choose our purchases more wisely. By selecting pieces designed to last instead of mass produced items that have less sentimental value, get thrown away and end up in landfill. People connect to paintings on a personal level making them the perfect gift for loved ones or a special treat to transform living space. For this reason, buying an original painting or high quality print is an easy way to do our bit and shop a bit greener (other canvas colours available)!
Full range of my artwork available here https://artiprint.co.uk/artist/navy-sloth/
I hope you enjoy browsing my art, and my work brings you as much happiness and joy as it gives me to create.
Hugs and happy buying!
(You can buy the original paintings at http://www.navysloth.co.uk )