Ocean Layers
Zoie Moody Art

Artists Bio:

The unspoiled beauty of the Cornish coast—where the land meets the vast expanse of the Atlantic—has been a constant source of inspiration for me. I am drawn to the sea and feel its magnetic pull deeply. As a committed thalassophile, (someone who loves the ocean and finds calm and peace being close to the sea – this definitely sums me up!) I am often found on the beaches, cliff tops, coastal paths and shoreline of Cornwall, soaking up the ever changing skies, dramatic cliffs and rolling waves. 

I have always been deeply connected to the natural world, especially the rugged and breathtaking landscapes of Cornwall. Born and raised in Manchester, (definitely not near the ocean!)  I enjoyed annual family holidays to Cornwall as a child, which kick started my love affair with the county. I moved to North Cornwall in my late twenties and, nearly twenty five years later, with the addition of a husband, two children and a dog, this is the place I am proud to call my home. 

I am a self taught artist. For as long as I can remember, I have turned to creativity as a way of finding joy and purpose. During a long career in teaching I found myself turning to art for my well being. Being immersed in the creative process is my soul food. When I paint I come alive and the endorphins flow. My studio is a converted shed at the bottom of my garden, a stone’s throw away from the beach . One of my greatest pleasures is painting in the studio with the door open, my dog snoozing at my feet, a mug of tea on the go and the sound of seagulls in the background. 

The interplay between sea, land, and sky forms the cornerstone of my paintings. I find calmness and continuity in blocks of colour and horizontal forms. Living near the sea, I am constantly drawn to the horizon which is reflected in my work. I paint in a semi abstract to abstract style as an emotional response to the raw power and serene beauty of Cornwall’s coastline. I use a mixed media approach to create my highly textured seascapes, applying acrylic, pastel, ink and paper onto the original canvases. 

The viewer is invited to feel the salty breeze, hear the crash of waves, and lose themselves in the vastness of the horizon. This deep emotional and spiritual connection to Cornwall’s natural beauty is what drives my creative process, resulting in works that resonate with a sense of place and an enduring love for the wild, untamed coast. Each piece is not just a painting, but a heartfelt homage to the land and seascapes that have shaped my life and art.  I am truly humbled when my work connects with someone who then chooses to have it in their home. This never fails to bring me immense joy and gratitude. 

Thank you for stopping by to read my bio. I hope it has piqued your interest in my artwork. If you would like to discover more about my work I invite you to explore my complete Arti profile and portfolio. 

You can also find me at https://www.instagram.com/zoies_art_zoma_ 

A website is coming soon but in the meantime, as a member of The Making Waves Art Collective,  my original canvases can be found at https://www.makingwavescollective.co.uk/shop