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Fergie and Friend

Artist Commission
Production Cost + Paper
Grand Total

Artwork Description:

Title: Fergie and Friend

Taken at the Brailsford Ploughing match, a faithful terrier dog waits patiently on the tractor while his master adjusts the plough.

Artist Bio:
Welcome to JaneyB Photography, where the beauty of nature comes to life through the lens of an enthusiastic photographer, Jane.

Jane, or 'Janey' to her family and friends, lives in her native county of Derbyshire and is a passionate hobby photographer with a keen eye for picturesque landscapes and the enchanting world of wildlife.

With a deep love for the countryside, flowers, and animals, Jane's camera is with her both at home and away, including whilst on her daily walks with her two little terriers who also sometimes feature in her photos.

Jane shares her captured photos daily on Instagram (@JaneyBPhotography), providing a glimpse into her world. During lockdown, Jane's photography became even more important to her, and she decided to offer a range of greeting cards and prints for sale. Each piece is something that has caught her attention, be it a breathtaking sunrise or sunset over the Derbyshire hills or one of the many forms of Britain's wildlife. Every image tells a different story.