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Friends With Dogs- Trevor the Jack Russell

Artist Commission
Production Cost + Paper
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Artwork Description:

Title: Friends With Dogs- Trevor the Jack Russell

Jack Russel – Trevor

All my dog pictures are influenced by my love of dogs and my dog-loving friends. As well as asking friends, I also stop on my walks, asking if I can take photographs of people’s dogs for inspiration, Drawing a dog is a challenge, but the results have been viewed with a very positive reaction. It’s great to capture the personality of the dog. The dogs are placed so that they look happy in their environment, plus I draw a space that depicts the taste and personality of the dog’s owner.

I have acquired skills and mastered them over my years of practice. The work is built up with many layers and can take hours to complete with a lot of patience. Line, shape, form, space, colour, and texture are equally important in each piece of work. My background and experience in painting, printmaking, illustration, design, and computer skills have helped me acquire the building blocks to create a unique work of art.

Artist Bio:
I am a fine art painter and illustrator. I work in oil paints on canvas as well as using digital programmes. My works includes  flowers, dogs and political satire.