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College Place Derby

Artist Commission
Production Cost + Paper
Grand Total

Artwork Description:

Title: College Place Derby

College Place runs alongside the cathedral and is a little used thoroughfare as the other side, Amen Alley, is more open and has no steps.  I sat in the welcome shade on a hot summer’s day and enjoyed capturing the play of light on the steps and the shadows cast by the trees.  Of all my pictures of Derby this is the least recognised as so few people venture this way.

Ink and watercolour on paper.

Artist Bio:
Working quickly with a fountain pen, waterproof ink and watercolour, Tom captures views of cafes, city streets and rural views in an urban sketch style.  Some of these are worked into larger pictures back in the studio using pen and wash or oil.  Sometimes an image demands to be painted and battles a path via sketches and photographs to be released from just an idea to become a finished piece of work.

Tom has always been fascinated by our impact on the landscape and started sketching the urban environment of cafes, railway stations and airports while travelling for work.  Now Tom can often be found sketching and painting in and around Derby and enjoys chatting to onlookers about art techniques, the history of local buildings or where to find the best coffee and cake.